Our fitness instructor Jen frequently says, “doctors will never tell you to stop exercising” and so although we can’t always do full high impact training, generally we can all do some form of exercise on a regular basis. Even if you’ve had knee or hip operations or have any other kind of reduced use of one or more of your limbs, unless your Doctor has specifically not told you to exercise, then there is always something you can do to keep fit.

LIFT runs on Tuesday afternoons from at 12:30pm to 1:15pm.

The classes are about 45 minutes including warm up and cool down stretches.

We operate this on a voluntary contribution basis, and your first class will always be free in any case.

The exercises change weekly and can be adapted to the individual according to your mobility, fitness and ability. The exercises can be from the chair, on the floor or against a wall and are designed to increase and aid flexiblity and fitness rather than bulding muscle or training you for a marathon!!!

Why not come and give us a try, I’m sure you’ll feel the benefits straight away.


Jen changes the exercises weekly and if you can’t make a class or want to do additional sessions at home, please check back each week to see the new exercise list.

Hopefully you’re able to make it to a few classes where you can learn what each of the moves mean.